I'm a User. How do I contact other members of the Musixmatch Community?
All the greatest communities in the world have something in common: communication.
We wanted all of our users to have a special place to discuss and ask for advice and clarifications, so we created a brand-new workspace on Slack, an instant messaging platform that can be used from both App and browser, desktop, and mobile.
Who are you going to meet on Slack?
Many other users that share your passion for music and lyrics. You will also have the chance to chat with Musixmatch Curators and Musixmatch Curator Specialist, they are our best users and could provide you with some useful advice about the Musixmatch world or becoming a Curator yourself.
You will also have the chance to communicate with the Musixmatch Team.
How can I join Slack?
All you have to do is create an account and log in
What is the process?
The first step is to provide Slack with your email address
Insert your data and get redirected to Slack
What are you waiting for? Join us and become a part of our great community