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Status Downgrades FAQs
Updated over a week ago

Why have I been downgraded?

We never like to downgrade Community members, but we're sometimes left with limited options when a user's contributions are unfortunately found to not follow our Writing Guidelines, and so present a risk to the quality of our lyrics catalog. If we have to downgrade your status, we'll send you an email explaining the specific reason, alongside any supporting evidence.


What if I don't receive an email?

This will likely mean that your status was automatically downgraded after a perceived period of inactivity. If this is the case, you can re-follow these steps to regain access to the Curator test which, when passed, will grant you your Curator status once more. If you didn't receive an email but don't believe your status is related to inactivity, you can reach out to us on the Community Slack Channel for specialized support.


Will I have the chance to regain my status?

This will depend on whether the downgrade was a temporary or permanent one. This information will be provided in the email confirming your downgrade. If you have received a permanent downgrade, you won't have the chance to regain your status, and any additional accounts created will be equally downgraded.


I've waited 60 days after my temporary downgrade but still don't have my Curator status back. Why?

60 days after your downgrade, you'll have the chance to regain your status by re-passing our Curator Test. If you don't see the test unlocked after this time, you'll have to regain eligibility by taking these steps.


Will I still receive my reward if I've been downgraded?

This will again depend on the nature of your downgrade, and the information provided to you in the email received. As a general rule, users who are given a temporary downgrade will receive their rewards as normal, and users who receive a permanent downgrade will not. This is because temporary downgrades are performed at the point at which the quality of content can no longer be trusted, and so can not confidently be rewarded.

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