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How to solve the saving issues?
Updated over a week ago

Saving failed 😣

This is an error that may occur when you try to send your contributions.

  • Click on “try again” 2 or 3 times. This will usually fix the issue.

  • When that does not work, refreshing the page and sending your contributions again usually does the trick.

  • As a final step, it's worth checking the lyrics page of the song on the website. The error may only relate to one particular part of the contribution, and so if you can see the lyrics on the site, you can rest assured that they've saved correctly. Scroll to the bottom of the page for a full list of the potential saving errors.

Format Suggestion: There is something wrong with the lyrics ✋

  • If available: click “ignore” and try saving your lyrics again.

  • Review the Formatting Guidelines to make sure you're following them in your transcription.

An unexpected error has occurred 🔴

  • Refresh the page a few times and try resending the contribution.

List of possible saving issues errors:

  • sv_generic

  • sv_lyrics

  • sv_sync

  • sv_credits

  • sv_tag_structure

  • sv_tag_performer

  • sv_translate

  • sv_mood

  • sv_instrumental

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