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I'm blocked from making contributions, what happened?
Updated over a month ago

If you've noticed you can no longer submit contributions, it's possible that your account has been blocked due to reports against your lyrics.

It's essential that the quality of our lyrics catalogue remains high, and it's for this reason that we have no other choice but to block contributions from users who have submitted lyrics which jeopardize it. Usually, such blocks will only happen for users who have submitted examples of the following in their lyrics:

  • Offensive content, not relating to the actual lyrics of the song

  • Self-promotion within lyrics contributions (adding social media handles, for example)

  • Copy and pasted lyrics to an entirely different song

  • Political, religious, or otherwise personal messages, not relating to the actual lyrics of the song.

  • Multiple examples of saving tracks without making necessary contributions

For regular users, doing one of the above will simply lead to a block from making future contributions to Musixmatch.

For Curators or Specialists, it will result in a total block from all contributions (including missions) and a cancellation of the next reward.

In order to avoid such measures, we suggest that all of our users stay familiar with our writing guidelines and make sure they're following them in all contributions.

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