Community Behavior Policy
Musixmatch strives to create and maintain a community environment in which everyone is treated with dignity, decency, and respect. Musixmatch will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind. If you violate this policy, your privileges will be revoked with no warning.
Please review the prohibited behaviors' policy.
NSFW content
No sharing NSFW content, vulgar names/memes, or any kind of violent or pornographic content, or nudity.
Harassing or abusive behavior
Under no circumstances are you allowed to harass or publicly humiliate users.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Name-calling, derogatory comments/memes about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated.
No self-advertising, promotions, or spam
Links to personal websites or personal music platforms are not permitted. No business promotions or advertising of any product is allowed.
Downloading and File Sharing
We do not tolerate file-sharing or illegal music distribution. Piracy is against the law.
Respect Privacy
- contact other users or Musixmatch employees via their private social media accounts unless personally invited; or
- ask other users or Musixmatch employees for their personal contact information or personal social media account information.
Use the official Slack channels provided by Musixmatch for all communications.
No Posts of a Political Nature
We are very proud to be such a diverse community, and it's normal that diverse communities come with diverse opinions. That said, we respectfully ask users to avoid any political posts. It's important that everyone feels comfortable and accepted to celebrate their love for music without political unrest.
No spamming or exploiting tags and mentions
Violation of this rule will only result in a warning. Three warnings will result in a ban.
We're extremely proud of our community, and we are counting on you to be kind and courteous and help keep it a safe, fun, supportive space!