Lyrics on Spotify - FAQ

Musixmatch-powered lyrics are now available on Spotify! 

Here are some answers to your most asked questions.

When are the lyrics updated and when will they appear on Spotify?  

Updated lyrics appear immediately on our site, but with the massive global lyrics rollout, it might take a little more time than usual for you to view them on Spotify, but it's usually about 48 - 72 hours. You can also reach out to Spotify to follow up.

How can I change a lyric I see on Spotify? 

When you find incorrect lyrics on Spotify, you can make a report here. In order to help you the best and quickest way possible, please be as detailed as possible. 

How to Report Catalog Issues

I want to add lyrics on Spotify, but the song isn't available on Musixmatch

We import data from Spotify and iTunes, and we don't add songs manually.

If you found a song or an album on iTunes or on Spotify that is not on Musixmatch, you can report it here, following the flow:

User/Contributor - Get info or report a bug - Catalog
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