Lyrics Curator Test FAQs

How do I fix issues with the player?

If the audio of the songs used in the test is disrupted or faulty in any way, we suggest refreshing the page. This won’t result in you losing your progress, don’t worry! But it’s the best way of correcting bugs that can occur in the player. If a single refresh doesn’t work, try again until it does!

If you find that to be still unsuccessful, there are some other things you can try:

  • Check your Spotify subscription type. It's possible that some types, such as Premium Mini, may not lead to the optimal experience within the test.
  • Try switching browser. We recommend Google Chrome, as this is where your experience is likely to be smoothest.
  • Ensure that your Spotify account is not set to disable explicit songs. In order to reflect the mission system, some songs in the test have explicit lyrics, and so you'll need to enable explicit songs in Spotify in order to be able to access their audios.

What if I run out of time?

The 1 hour time limit has been carefully designed to boost the integrity of the test, while still allowing users to consider their answers carefully and complete the test without rushing. If you do, however, run out of time, you should note that it’ll result in the submission being unsuccessful. You’ll pass the test if you receive a final score of 80/100 after completing all 9 of the questions.

What if I don’t understand the lyrics of a song in the test?

The test has been designed to evaluate both an eligible Curator’s knowledge of our guidelines, and also their comprehension of lyrics across various musical genres. It’s for this reason that the songs of the test are diverse and randomly generated.

I’ve found typos or other errors in the test. What should I do?

The tests are translated from a master English version by our talented team of Specialists. If you find an error in your language version, you can message Tim on Slack and he’ll put you in contact with the necessary Specialist.

Why do I have to wait between test attempts?

The test examines a contributor’s knowledge of our Writing Guidelines and their skills in listening comprehension. The 4 day pause between participation windows grant eligible Curators the time and opportunity to further study the guidelines and further practice their comprehension skills, raising their chances for success on subsequent attempts. 

Why do I need Spotify Premium to take the test?

The Lyrics Curator Test’s primary purpose is to assess an eligible Curator’s ability to contribute to the Mission, where a Spotify Premium connection is required. Using Spotify sources in the test also enables us to present full audios to a range of songs, ultimately improving both the quality of the assessment and the experience for our community. The timing of the participation windows has been specifically designed to allow multiple submissions within one free trial of Spotify Premium, so all eligible Curators have the opportunity to pass the test before committing to the full subscription required for the missions.

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