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Missions for starters
Updated over 4 months ago

What is it? πŸš€

A Mission is a special project available only via the new contribution tool: the Musixmatch Studio.

Thanks to the missions, curators can receive extra points, new badges, and special rewards.

Each Mission has:

  • Fixed-price per task completed. Each song completed will unlock the payment shown.

  • Extra bonuses. Musixmatch will communicate month by month the extra bonuses related to the missions.

  • A deadline. Normally the mission expires at the end of the month.

  • No target to achieve. Within the deadline, you can complete as many tasks as you can

  • Monthly payment minimum threshold. Imagine you have a wallet that Musixmatch looks after for you. Every time you complete a mission task, the amount it's worth (usually 0.5USD) is added to it. At the end of every month, Musixmatch checks your wallet and if there's at least 50 USD there, will directly send all funds gathered in the next reward batch. If there isn't yet 50 USD, the amount will stay in your wallet to be counted the next month.

How does it work? πŸ“‹

When you open a Mission, you'll find the list of "tasks" based on your native and spoken languages.

In every task, you should add or proofread the lyrics and correctly format and sync them. Structure tags should also be added.

Once you tap on one task, the Musixmatch Studio opens the contribution page and the task moves into your "In progress" tab.


We advise you add/proofread the lyrics via the 'Lyrics' tab, sync them via the 'Sync' tab, and add Structure tags via the 'Tag' tab.

Once you've completed the various stages of the contribution, remember to click 'Send' to save them. At this point, the task will move from the 'In Progress' window to the 'Completed' one. The 'Completed' list shows all tasks due to be rewarded. Tasks that end up in the 'Error' list will also be rewarded.

Have you reported a problem related to a task? 🚩

In this case, the task will move into the 'Reported' tab. Tasks in this tab are not eligible for rewards.

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