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Slack channels explained.

What are they? Where to find them? How can I join them?

Updated over 3 weeks ago

🗂️ We use channels to organize our conversations by topic.

We have channels for specific languages (i.e. #english-speakers, #spanish-speakers, etc.), depending on the sizes of the communities. If you'd like to suggest a new channel, please contact a Moderator.

Other channels that you may find useful are:

  • #announcements-and-info: keep informed about major changes coming to Musixmatch

  • #lyrics-review-assistance: on this channel, you can ask for your contribution to a track to be approved by another member of the Community.

  • #guidelines: understand, discuss, and occasionally improve this essential lyrics curating tool

  • #random /music: fun space!

  • #multi-language-lyrics: you were working on lyrics but there are some parts in a language that you can't speak? Share it here and collaborate with other users!

  • #getting-started: you've just arrived and you're lost? This is the right channel

  • #introduce-yourself: you can introduce yourself here (optional)

  • #questions: doubts related to Musixmatch? This is the place for you

  • #tech-support: any issue? You can ask for help here

  • #suggestions: ideas to improve Musixmatch? Post them here!

💻 Learn how to navigate them:

In the Home section sidebar, underneath the name of the Slack Workspace, you'll see a list of Channels that you are already part of.

You can always join more channels that you're interested in contributing to. In order to avoid an overwhelmingly long list of channels, we suggest you join only those that directly apply to you and your needs.

Clicking Browse all channels, you’ll see a new window that lets you browse and sort all channels. You can then join them directly from this list.

You can also join channels by clicking on the name and choosing the option shown below:

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