Who are the Lyrics Curators? How can I become one?

Who are the Lyrics Curators?

Lyrics Curators are the most passionate and active community members, selected on the merit of their contributions.

They have been spotted for the high quality of their transcribed lyrics, for the high commitment to the Musixmatch mission (build the world's largest lyrics catalogue), and for their interactions with other community members.

This includes providing feedback to other contributors, participating in Slack discussions, helping mentor new users, and praising great content.

You can spot them by looking for the curator label on their profile on the Musixmatch website. 

Lyrics Curator privileges:

  • Curator label
  • Access to Musixmatch Curator Slack
  • Free subscription to Musixmatch Premium
  • Possibility to work on Musixmatch Missions and get paid for their contributions.
  • Possibility to publish lyrics without the community approval
  • Possibility to accept/reject lyrics

⚠ The Curator's privileges can and will be revoked, as explained in the following article.

Things we encourage lyrics curators to do:

  • Consistently contribute high-quality lyrics
  • Post new lyrics when a song drops, add old songs we’re missing, and correct lyrics
  • Lead, inspire and mentor other contributors
  • Be active on Slack

Become a Lyrics Curator

Follow these steps to become a Lyrics Curator: 

  1. Create an account (if you haven't already)
  2. Pass the Musixmatch Academy
  3. Unlock at least one of these badges: Scribbler, Metronome, or Adventurer. 
  4. Once you've unlocked the badges, you will not immediately unlock the Curator test. You should continue to contribute lyrics on our website to unlock it. We'll then perform a quality check and in case of positive feedback, the Lyrics Test for becoming Curator will be sent to you. If you don't receive the email, continue contributing until you do.
  5. Take the Lyrics Test.
    1. Please note that any user found to be publishing/requesting the answers to the Curator test will be immediately downgraded and blocked from regaining their status in future.
    2. Pending the result, we kindly invite you to:
  6. Once you pass the test, you will have access to the Mission environment. At this point, you will have to verify your identity on Trolley (read more below 👇)

Verify your identity on Trolley

In order to ensure quality integrity and safety, we have introduced several new measures, and appreciate your careful attention. For some of you, action will be required in order to guarantee the smooth continuation of contributions from your account.

1. Curators are required to provide Musixmatch with a copy of their Government-issued Identification, and a selfie that verifies that it's theirs. This enables us to ensure the maximum safety and fairness within the Curator team. Anybody unable to provide the required ID and corresponding selfie, is not eligible for the Curator role, or for receiving rewards.

If you are a Curator, please now take the time to update your Trolley Profile with the necessary additional information. Keep reading to find a tutorial on how to do it.

Please click here and here for information on how your personal data will be processed.

Any account missing this verification is considered 'ineligible' for the Curator role, and downgraded appropriately.

2. Any Curator who has not made a lyrics-based contribution in the last 3 months, will lose their status.

This ensures that the Curator team remains a more trustworthy and active environment for you all. It will also ensure that the quality of contributions coming from the entire team accurately reflects the efforts of the majority. The new 3-month period for inactivity account status downgrades is active as of the 10th of April 2024.

If you are not a Curator, please consider this for future reference. There is not currently any action required from you.

We thank you kindly for your careful attention and cooperation in light of these changes in how we work with Curators. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to one of our Moderators via the Community Slack Workspace. All decisions are taken in the interest of nurturing the safest and fairest environment for you all. Update your profile today to do your bit and protect your account.

How to verify your identity on Trolley

1) Navigate to the Payment section in your wallet: https://curators.musixmatch.com/wallet/payments

2) Click "Open Trolley"

3) Click "Complete Verification"

4) Click the "Your phone number" field

5) Follow instructions on your mobile, they will require you to take a picture of your document and a selfie and then submit.

6) Click "Continue". You are all set!

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